

We are a non-institutional congregation of the Lord's church, located at 1318 Griffin Road in Leesburg, Florida. You can read about the Lord's church in the book of Acts, which gives the history of the church which Jesus promised to build in the 16th chapter of Matthew. The book of Acts shows how this promise was fulfilled.


Here's what you'll find when you visit.

Friendly people

When you enter the building you will be greeted by any number of our members. We don't have assigned greeters, but we do have friendly people who are interested in getting to know our visitors and attending to whatever needs they may have.

Bible Based Teaching and Preaching

We understand that all of us need encouragement to continue doing God's will and living a righteous life. Our preaching and teaching will always encourage everyone present to apply Bible teaching to everyday life.

New Testament Worship

We pattern our worship after the church that was established in Acts chapter 2. In Acts we can read about how the early Christians worshipped and we try our best to adhere to that pattern.

God's Way Works

Man keeps trying to improve on God's way, but we fail miserably. That's because God's way is the only way to manage our lives, our homes, and even our finances. We know His way works because we see it in our lives everyday. God's way will work for you, too.


We invite you to our assemblies. Our service times are:

Sunday Morning Bible Study                 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship                       10:30  a.m.

Sunday Evening Worship                         5: 00 p.m.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study        7:00 p.m.


  1. Ladies Bible Class (Zoom)
    3/11/25 10:30am
  2. Bible Study
    3/12/25 09:30am
  3. Bible Study
    3/12/25 07:00pm
  4. Bible Study
    3/16/25 09:30am
  5. AM Worship
    3/16/25 10:30am
  6. View Full Calendar